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A news anchor in Tagesschau studio (German news program) says “Ah”. The image becomes smaller and shifts to the depth of the screen, revealing that the previous scene was just a live broadcast on a studio monitor behind the anchor. At this point, the same scene appears again: the same news anchor says “Ah”. This image also becomes smaller and shifts into the depth of the screen, making it visible that the previous scene was also just a live broadcast on a studio monitor behind the anchor. And so it goes agensieaon and on. The spectator finds himself as the companion of a feedback loop in the endless zooming in. Gradually, the time gap between the sequences decreases, the speed increases, and the particular “Ah” sounds merge into an uninterrupted AAAAAAAAAAAh-scream. Finally, the scene jumps out of the camera viewfinder while the camera remains filming. Now the spectator can see the entire perspective of the blue screen studio, where the anchor sits without pants and screams continuously into the camera.